“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” ~ ralph waldo emerson

For Clients: Dr Adeline’s books are now open for expressions of interest from new clients within her scope of practicePlease read the information on this website, paying particular attention to the “practice news and announcements section”. Thereafter, if you think/feel she is a good fit for you, call 03 9079 7936 to have a very brief conversation or to make an initial appointment to ascertain if she is the right therapist for you. Please clearly note that you have read this information and are within her scope of practice in your voice message. Please seek alternative support if you are outside her scope of practice to not hinder/delay your psychological care. 

For mental health practitioners: Dr Adeline’s books are open to mental health practitioners seeking peer consultations and especially for EMDR. Additional consults are now available on Fridays. Her books for formal clinical supervision are closed.

Adeline is a Doctor of Clinical Psychology and has worked in the area of mental health since 2006. She has formal education and training in child, developmental, clinical psychology and is an EMDRAA accredited EMDR Consultant. She also has formal education in philosophy and is a secular registered yoga teacher (RYT) Yoga Alliance®. She believes in the mind, body and soul connection and uses the whole person approach.

She has worked clinically in public hospitals, community health centres as well as child, adolescents and family mental health services. She now works in Private Practice as a Clinical Psychologist online and only consults with women 25 years and above. She provides individual consultations online to local, interstate and international clients (except USA and Canada).

Adeline believes in early intervention and is passionate about working collaboratively with women to help them live a valued and authentic life. Her psychological practice is founded upon evidence based practice, emphasizes the whole person approach and inspired by many great minds in psychology, philosophy and science which she see as interconnected. Her clinical practice has a strong focus on attachment theory, neurobiology and neurophysiology.

She understands the impact of childhood experiences and different stages of development across life span to provide holistic care. She works with curiosity, compassion, pragmatically and creatively using evidence based practice and in collaboration with clients to provide a tailored treatment for each client’s unique needs. Adeline only works with clients who want to engage in longer term therapy to increase self-awareness, reflect and introspect, understand and identify emotions, take responsibility and change maladaptive patterns of thinking and/or behaviours to live their authentic and valued life. It is her privilege as a virtue ethicist to guide clients in the journey to live a meaningful life towards human flourishing i.e. eudaimonia (εὐδαιμονία) if this is their choosing.

Adeline has also worked across university departments and conducted various scientific research focused on vulnerable populations and authored a number of journal articles. Adeline’s doctoral thesis in clinical child, adolescent and family psychology examined the relationship between childhood trauma, attachment styles and women’s mental health including clinicians’ practices and views on supporting survivors.

For a list of Adeline’s publications and presentations, click here 

Dr Adeline Lee

Clinical Psychologist
EMDRAA Consultant


Her areas of interests and scope of practice:


To find out more about the psychological approaches that Adeline uses, click on any of the icons below.


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) including Trauma-Focused CBT and Exposure Therapy is a relatively short term structure therapy. It is a focused approach with varied application according to the problem being addressed that aims to helps clients to identify unhelpful thoughts and behaviours and learn or relearn healthier skills and habits. It is an active therapy - sometimes described as a 'doing therapy' so clients will be expected to complete agreed tasks.


Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way; on purpose in the present moment, and non-judgementally. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) combines principles of cognitive therapy and mindfulness practices to assist clients to change the relationship with their difficulties. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) was developed by Professor Jon Kabatt-Zinn. MBSR is a secular program that combines mindfulness meditation, body awareness, and yoga to assist clients to become more mindful.


Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a mindfulness based behavioural therapy that emphasized on the process of contacting the present moment fully as a conscious human being, and persisting or changing behaviours in the service of ones chosen values.


Adeline is an EMDRAA accredited Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) consultant. EMDR is designed to assist clients to reduce emotional distress to past traumatic events or life experiences via therapist directed lateral eye movements (or other external stimuli). It hypothesizes to access the traumatic memory network and process the information in a more adaptive way to reduce or eliminate the emotional distress by creating an adaptive integration of those memories into the neural networks.


Influenced by several theories in particular attachment and communication theories it is interpersonally focused, psychodynamically informed psychotherapy that has the goals of improving interpersonal functioning through helping clients improve their interpersonal relationships or change their expectation about them.


Schema therapy focuses on identifying and changing early maladaptive schemas and maladaptive coping styles. Schemas are psychological constructs that include beliefs that we have about ourselves, the world and other people. Early schemas relate to the basic emotional needs of a child, when these needs are not met in childhood, maladaptive schemas develop and lead to unhealthy patterns of behaviours.


Exploration of the childhood origins of current problems, emotional processing of traumatic material with the focus on therapy relationship via empathic confrontation.


Draws on positive psychology and focusses on what is working in the client's life and exploring past and present successes to assist with current stressors/problems.


Yoga is a multidimensional system that is not just about stretching and strengthening through poses. It consists of breathing exercises, meditation and ethical practices. Yoga is a way of life accessible to all. Adeline is also a secular Registered Yoga Teacher, her practice promotes mindfulness through awareness of breath, body, and senses to assist and empower you to gain insight through self-observation, self-reflection, acknowledgement and understanding with self-compassion, to then move emotions and thoughts into stillness if this is your choosing.


Attachment-based therapy is informed by attachment theory which focuses on the bond based on the need for safety, security and protection between an individual (infant or child) and an attachment figure (the primary caregiver, which is often the mother). Adeline's clinical practice has a strong focus on attachment theory and styles as such this underlines and informs all other therapies she uses.

Adeline does not wish for you to be bogged down or confused by the different therapeutic approaches and will collaborate with you to tailor a treatment utilising different aspects where clinically appropriate from different therapeutic approaches that best suits your needs.


Dr Adeline only provides consultations online, via secure end-to-end encrypted video conferencing. Her online psychological services has always been a part of her usual practice so it continues to be available to rural, remote and international clients (except USA and Canada).

Dr Adeline’s books are open to mental health professionals wanting individual peer consultations and informal supervision. She would be delighted to discuss your client cases and troubleshoot issues that arises in sessions and/or to unpack process based issues. As an EMDRAA accredited EMDR Consultant, she is especially passionate in assisting EMDR therapists on their EMDR journey with clients. Additional consultations are now available on Fridays. Feel free to call Adeline on (03) 9079 7936 to secure a consultation time suitable for you. Watch this space for future group consultations. Her books for formal clinical supervision are currently closed and may re-open in 2025.

Dr Adeline’s books are now open for expressions of interests  from clients within her scope of practice.  She only consults with women 25 years and over who are ready and willing to take responsibility and choosing to change in order to live an authentic life. She suits clients who truly wants to understand themselves to heal core wounds and those willing and able to put in the time, effort and  ready to make a commitment to therapy (e.g. weekly or at minimum fortnightly appointments for at least 12 months, likely much longer timeframes for clients who have experiences multiple traumas). Feel free to call Adeline on (03) 9079 7936 only if you are within her scope of practice and when you are ready to make an investment in yourself to have a brief (5-10min) conversation prior to obtaining any referrals or to make an initial appointment to ascertain if she is the right therapist for you. Please clearly note you have read this information in your voice message. Please do not contact her and seek alternative support if you are outside her scope of practice or wanting alternative support outside her scope of practice to not hinder/delay your psychological care.  

*She no longer return calls and/or emails from those outside her scope of practice and trust appropriate support will be found elsewhere.


personal notes from DR ADELINE LEE 

It is my privilege and civic duty to be of service in my area of practice as a Clinical Psychologist. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require psychological support if you are within my scope of practice. Feelings of worry and unease can be expected during a stressful event and prolonged stressful events such as the coronavirus (COVID-19/C-19) as a global pandemic and the challenges it brought to many; especially to those with existing vulnerabilities.

It is important that we learn to manage our stress before it turns to more severe anxiety and panic. In this age of unfiltered social media and deluge of unverified information being circulated, I urge everyone to please seek out factual up to date information from reliable official sources. 

My psychological practice is founded upon evidence based practice that accounts for the mind, body and soul connection and inspired by many great minds in psychology, philosophy and science which I see as interconnected. I am grateful for the incredible works and the people who enrich human lives, protect the environment and all living creatures especially the countless experts in their field who continue to contribute in their area of specialty. 

I would like to take this opportunity to share some quotes (among many others) that have informed the way I live and inspires me that I hope perhaps may also speak to you. Please do not hesitate to connect with me and do not underestimate the ripple effect we all have, so continue to act sensibly and with compassion towards yourself and others. We are all interconnected and made of star stuff!


  • “Where we are free to act we are also free to refrain from acting, and where we are able to say no we are also able to say yes; if therefore we are responsible for doing a thing when to do it is right, we are also responsible for not doing it when not to do it is wrong…” ~ Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics Book III 

  • “…Nature produced us related to one another, since she created us from the same source and to the same end. She engendered in us mutual affection, and made us prone to friendships. She established fairness and justice; according to her ruling, it is more wretched to commit than to suffer injury. Through her orders, let our hands be ready for all that needs to be helped… Let us possess things in common. Our relations with one another are like a stone arch,  which would collapse if the stone did not mutually support each other. …” ~ Seneca, Letters from a Stoic 95: 52-53 

  • “If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it… Waste no more time arguing what a good [person] should be. Be one… When you arise in the morning think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 

  • “… It is not I who create myself, rather I happen to myself. …” ~ Carl Jung, Collected Works Book 11, Paragraph 391

  • “As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.” ~ Carl Jung, Memories, Dream, Reflections

  • “We are made of star stuff.” ~ Carl Sagan, The Cosmic Connection: An Extraterrestrial Perspective

  • “Actioni contrariam semper et aequalen esse reactionem: sive corporum duorum actiones in se mutuo semper esse aequales et in partes contrarias dirigi”; for every action there is an equal but opposite reaction ~ Isaac Newton, Philosophia Naturalis Principia Mathematica

  • “A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe’; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely but the striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.” ~ Albert Einstein, Dear Professor Einstein: Albert Einstein’s Letters to and from Children
  • Lokah samastah sukinho bhavantu; may all living beings be happy and free, may my thoughts, words and actions contribute to that in some way
With my heart and light, 

NOSCE TE IPSVM ; Know Thyself
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” ~ Socrates


  • 01

    Query and advice

    If you want to know how a Clinical Psychologist may be able to assist you, contact Adeline on (03) 9079 7936 to
    discuss your needs.

  • 02

    Referral (optional)

    You can attend to see Adeline privately or with a referral from a General Practitioner or a Psychiatrist.
    See Fees & Rebates for more information.

  • 03

    Schedule an appointment

    Contact Adeline on (03) 9079 7936 to schedule an appointment at a time that’s convenient for you.


In order to provide you with a tailored treatment Adeline will undertake a thorough assessment – you will be asked about your past experiences and treatment to better understand the nature of the difficulties for which treatment is being sought.

Adeline will then provide you with a formulation of her understanding of your difficulties and collaborate with you to come up with the best suited treatment option for you and continue to evaluate with you the progress of your therapy.

Adeline works in an authentic and transparent manner, she encourages discussion and collaboration with you to facilitate trust in the therapeutic relationship as the best predictor of a good outcome is a strong therapeutic relationship.


Clients are charged $320 for a standard 50 minutes individual consultation. A $30 surcharge applies for after hours consultations (5pm and onwards). 

Clients with a valid referral and a Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from a General Practitioner or a Psychiatrist will incur an out of pocket cost or ‘gap’ of $178.15 after the $141.85 rebate from Medicare for Clinical Psychology services.

Clients with private health insurance should check with their respective funds regarding their Clinical Psychology coverage and rebate amount. You can find further information about Medicare rebates and what constitutes a valid referral from the Department of Health website.

Peer Consultation and General Supervision are $320 (GST inclusive) for a standard 50 minutes individual consultation. A $30 surcharge applies for after hours consultations (5pm and onwards). 


When appointments are booked, Dr Adeline reserves your consultation time especially for you and therefore has the following reschedule and/or cancellation policy in place. Her business days are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

0-24 hours (1 business day) notice: Full Fee

24-72 hours (3 business days) notice: 50% of fee

72 hours – 7 days notice: 25% of fee

Please call Adeline on (03) 9079 7936 with appropriate notice to reschedule or cancel to not incur a fee.

Please prioritise your chosen commitment to therapy, to not hinder your own progress and/or from others who may want the consultation and value the commitment that DrAdeline has made to assist you.